
REKYL blir “REKYL, powered by Aceve”
REKYL är en del av HVD Group, som den 12 mars 2025 byter namn till Aceve. För dig som kund fungerar allt precis som tidigare – men framöver kommer du att se vårt nya namn och en uppdaterad logotyp i systemet, i appen och på vår hemsida. Läs mer om förändringen här.

Läs om hur vi hanterar din information i våra integrationer med REKYL

För att du ska få en tydlig överblick över hur vi använder din information, i enlighet med GDPR, redogör vi i förteckningen nedan vilka integrationer med REKYL som finns och kontaktuppgifter till de externa aktörerna som har tillgång till informationen.

Läs mer om hur vi hanterar och skyddar din information i vår Sekretesspolicy.

Our prouct name Name of processor Country of processor Description (why we use it) of the processor. Web link to the processor Agreement with processor who has the agreement and where can it be found
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Teltonika Lithuania GPS and tracker hardware provider https://teltonika-networks.com/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Nordic Backoffice Lattvia Manual check of supplier invoices https://nordicbackoffice.lv/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Bahnhof Sweden Hosting the system https://bahnhof.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
HVD group Sweden Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Tele2 Sweden Connection for GPS https://www.tele2.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Truephone UK Connection for GPS https://www.truphone.com/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Google Irland We use GCP public cloud services to deliver services to our customers https://google.com Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Checkbiz Sweden(?) For acquiring personal information based on personal number https://checkbiz.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Biluppgifter Sweden Collecting information about vehicles https://biluppgifter.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal 46Elks Sweden Sending SMS messages to customers https://46elks.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Postmarks ?? Sending emails to customers https://postmarkapp.com/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal Handelsbanken-BankId Sweden For signing of agreements https://www.handelsbanken.se/sv/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Peppol/Tickstar Sweden For Peppol integration https://www.tickstar.com/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Internal CRM Upsales Sweden Internal CRM https://www.upsales.com/sv/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Internal CRM Salesforce USA Internal CRM https://salesforce.com Schotte Systems has this agreement
Internal support and ticket managment Zendesk Denmark Internal support and ticket managment https://www.zendesk.com/se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Fortnox Sweden Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system https://www.fortnox.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Brilliant Sweden Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system https://www.briljant.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Visma Sweden Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system https://www.visma.se/ Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Microsoft Sweden Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system https://www.microsoft.com/sv-se Schotte Systems has this agreement
Rekyl Björn Lundén Sweden Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system https://bjornlunden.se Schotte Systems has this agreement
REKYL Buy KlarPris Denmark Purchasing system https://www.klarpris.se Schotte Systems has this agreement