Läs om hur vi hanterar din information i våra integrationer med REKYL
För att du ska få en tydlig överblick över hur vi använder din information, i enlighet med GDPR, redogör vi i förteckningen nedan vilka integrationer med REKYL som finns och kontaktuppgifter till de externa aktörerna som har tillgång till informationen.
Läs mer om hur vi hanterar och skyddar din information i vår Sekretesspolicy.
Our prouct name | Name of processor | Country of processor | Description (why we use it) of the processor. | Web link to the processor | Agreement with processor who has the agreement and where can it be found |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Teltonika | Lithuania | GPS and tracker hardware provider | https://teltonika-networks.com/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl | Nordic Backoffice | Lattvia | Manual check of supplier invoices | https://nordicbackoffice.lv/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Bahnhof | Sweden | Hosting the system | https://bahnhof.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
HVD group | Sweden | Schotte Systems has this agreement | |||
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Tele2 | Sweden | Connection for GPS | https://www.tele2.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Truephone | UK | Connection for GPS | https://www.truphone.com/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Irland | We use GCP public cloud services to deliver services to our customers | https://google.com | Schotte Systems has this agreement | |
Rekyl | Checkbiz | Sweden(?) | For acquiring personal information based on personal number | https://checkbiz.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Biluppgifter | Sweden | Collecting information about vehicles | https://biluppgifter.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | 46Elks | Sweden | Sending SMS messages to customers | https://46elks.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Postmarks | ?? | Sending emails to customers | https://postmarkapp.com/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl, Entré Vehicle, GPS Journal | Handelsbanken-BankId | Sweden | For signing of agreements | https://www.handelsbanken.se/sv/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl | Peppol/Tickstar | Sweden | For Peppol integration | https://www.tickstar.com/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Internal CRM | Upsales | Sweden | Internal CRM | https://www.upsales.com/sv/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Internal CRM | Salesforce | USA | Internal CRM | https://salesforce.com | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Internal support and ticket managment | Zendesk | Denmark | Internal support and ticket managment | https://www.zendesk.com/se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl | Fortnox | Sweden | Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system | https://www.fortnox.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl | Brilliant | Sweden | Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system | https://www.briljant.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl | Visma | Sweden | Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system | https://www.visma.se/ | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl | Microsoft | Sweden | Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system | https://www.microsoft.com/sv-se | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
Rekyl | Björn Lundén | Sweden | Economy system that we integrate Rekyl with for a complete business system | https://bjornlunden.se | Schotte Systems has this agreement |
REKYL Buy | KlarPris | Denmark | Purchasing system | https://www.klarpris.se | Schotte Systems has this agreement |